Why we take part
It's a great opportunity to engage with a new audience, encourage membership, and introduce them to heritage and conservation.
What we do for HODs
Visitors didn’t seem to mind that pests had taken over the Parlour, enjoyed seeing ghoulish beetles under magnification and appreciated hearing tips on what they can do to help combat clothes moth.

The difference it's made
- An opportunity for a small property to shine, locally as well as through the spotlight our regional conservators gave the property.
- Increased engagement with the local community particularly working with Westerham Society on the trail and through the removal of the barrier that the entrance fee presents.
- We have extended the Westerham town trail as it was well received and has continued to be so; this has brought an added visitor offer to the property.
- The concept of a Conservation Station was new to some of the team which opens up the potential for other events or properties at which we work.
Inspired? Find out more
- Quebec House, National Trust
- The Westerham Society
- Meet the experts - More Conservation Stations over the festival
- More case studies - Meet other local organisers
- Get involved - Taking part in Heritage Open Days